About the Friends Of Lanteglos Church:

The Friends of Lanteglos Church (FOLC) was set up 11 years ago as a PCC sub group to bring people together to raise funds for the church. At one point the church was at risk of closure but a Community Survey in 2015 demonstrated that there was overwhelming support (98%) to keep the church open for a wide range of community activities and for worship. We have subsequently been given full support from the Diocese to restore the church and improve the facilities. In April 2018 FOLC became a registered Charity No 1177951.

One way to help restore the church and make it fit for the 21st century is to join the Friends!

We hope that you would like to join us in our effort to keep the future of this peaceful and beautiful church secure and become a Friend Of Lanteglos Church. You can do this with an annual subscription of £10 - with or without an additional donation or by making a bequest in your will.

camelford town band

camelford town band

If you would rather contact the Membership Secretary directly, email Ruth Savage at folantegloschurch@gmail.com or send a letter to Ruth Savage, 8 Bowood Park, Camelford, PL32 9LA You will be contacted as soon as possible to confirm the necessary arrangements.

If you would like to become a volunteer please contact the Churchwarden Mary Pearce on 01840 212 665.

To enquire about joining The Friends of Lanteglos Church

Please fill out the form below.

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