St Julitta’s is open daily

Check the noticeboard for update on services which may vary


Priest in Charge: vacancy

Contact for the Rector: Fairway View, Helstone, Camelford, PL32 9RL Tel: 01840 212468 e-mail:

Associate Priest : Jeffrey Terry

Reader:  Claire Salzmann

Organist: Katie Wood

Churchwarden: Mary Pearce Tel:01840 212665


Every Friday morning at 9am - a short service of Daily Prayer

2nd Thursday each month at 7pm Compline is said or sung. This is a short service for the end of the day


4th Sunday each month at 11.15am -  Holy Communion with Music


1st Friday each month at 8.30 - Breakfast Communion. This starts with a shortened Holy Communion followed by breakfast. You are welcome to join us for breakfast even if not attending Communion